Monday 13 April 2009

Second stage: Shaping the nose and building the chassis

As I told last week, we were planning to shape the main body. And so we did!

The car’s nose:

We started from a raw shaping (blocks of polystyrene foam glued together on the car’s skeleton), then we sanded the blocks to have the best cowling (according to our computed drawings).

Raw shaping in polystyrene foam

Nose’s cowling

The chassis:

The time has come to define what will be the main rollbar of the chassis. To do so, we focused on where the strength will be the most important.
That is why we selected four slices to be the main rollbars of the car.

Main rollbars

We then took the correct slices from the 3D drawing and cut through plywood (with a computed drilling machine) the slices so we have a pattern to weld the bars.

And so the welding has started! We were able to weld the 2 last rollbars of the chassis.

Last rollbar

The wheel pants:

The last interesting point of last week was the fact we also started to make the wheel pants. From drawing to the foam shape, we carried on making patterns for the main body!

Wheel pant blueprint