Friday 1 May 2009

Sanding sessions

The work goes on. Last week I was unable to post an article because of my broken camera.
Now let me continue to describe the work that has been done during these two weeks.

You may surely remember that we were focusing on the main body manufacturing, the chassis welding and, at the same time, the jig construction. This work has continued during the two last weeks.

Main body shaping:

With alex's back-up, we were able to further the shaping. As soon as we used polystyrene foam and plywood rods to build the main body skeleton, a lot of work has to be done in order to get smooth curves.
That is why we had long sanding sessions on the car using addition of fibreglass skins (to make the structure rigid) and epoxy and polyester fillers (to get the best curves).

A sanding session

The work was long but we got really good results. We still need to make another sanding step before making the main body mold.

Main body shape

In the same field, we were able to finish the wheel pants. We still have some decision to take about them (mainly about the design) but we may be able to build the mold quite soon.

Wheel pants shape

Chassis and jig manufacturing:

A lot of work has also been done around these two subjects.
First of all, every roll bar has been finished. We were also able to design and to build the car's rear and its jig.

The jig

As you will notice, the jig has also progressed and we started to build the spine jig.

The spine jig

Now, the chassis is in hold. Indeed, we have to wait the main body to be finished so we can use it to get the most accurate mesures. Thanks to that, we hope the chassis and the main body to match the best possible.

On the other hand, we still continued to design the direction and the front and the rear suspensions on our computers.

On next week planning, we will focus on the main body mold. We hope to get the final main body quite soon!
Then, the chassis...the suspension...the direction...and so on!